What are we to think when the DNC has embraced every sexual perversion known to humanity and is exemplified by our first two stories, the first about a lesbian couple that adopt, then chemically castrate their son when he turns 11. Because of statements he supposedly made at three years old. Then the transgender woman who just so happens to have a uterus and gives birth to child.
Both of these stories are championed by the DNC who in their rabid efforts for hegemony have embraced the LGBT sexual deviancy movement for what else a new electorate to be pandered to for votes, giving them a voice and political power.
None of this could even be remotely possible if the American Psychiatric Association had not been kowtowed by the gay movement and removed homosexuality from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders starting the 1970’s whereas today they have embraced this malignant disorder as normal (these first stories prove this statement). Not because of research and clinical findings, if only it was so easy, no they were terrorized into these decisions by protests and disruptions to their annual gatherings by the gay agenda movement.
These two stories illustrate the rank malignant illness at the heart of the DNC that they could care so little for the future of this nation that they would support the gay, lesbian and transgender movement for all its worth. Not caring that what lay at the root of his illness is spelling the death knell to the American family.
These two stories illustrate as nothing else what lays in store for us where a child of 11 is modified for a malignant agenda based on statements made during their tender years, for those that know history will understand the reference to tender years. Clearly these two so called parents have been subverting this child from an early age, much like divorced mothers do to turn their child against their father when the marriage is kaput. I have first hand experience with this mind altering method which was employed against my father. Society has chosen to allow these broken people to adopt children even though attempts at suicide is anywhere between three and four times the normal rate of heterosexuals in our society of 5% of the population, for transgender individuals it is as high as eight times greater.
You can do the math…
Subjecting children to such abuse is madness, but that is the state of this nation as propagated by the DNC and their nation destroying quest for power and hegemony, the ends justify the means and individuals are expendable, even children.
Then the case of the confused woman who thinks she is a man and gives birth. Biologically she is a woman, though mentally she somehow thinks that she is man, in days gone by it many have been a perversion of the Electra complex, and now writ large as it has the imprimatur of the APA has deemed this insanity normal and wholesome. This woman is free to believe whatever she wants, but that is not the issue here, we are being forced to accept these delusions by the DNC which supports and propagates this society destroying illness, by the MSM, their propaganda arm.
Society is fragile much more than most people realize, when we cannot with any certainty define what it is to be normal. So we cannot foment a reasonable course for our society. To have such fringe elements that contrary to biological imperatives dictate our laws and direction then we are clearly in the territory where the inmates are running the asylum. Back to the DNC Assault On Family Values page.
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DNC Assault On Family Values