HATE the DNC attempts to get our arms around the all pervasive ideology that has corrupted practically every institution in our nation, from education, entertainment, legal and judiciary and of course government. They have rejected our founding principles and use our system of government to institute another form that is more in line with totalitarian systems of governance than our constitutional republic, and is in effect fascism.

It seems as if they are everywhere, that only appears to be true.

By using all these organizations we have cataloged (there are many more) the DNC and their fellow travelers can manufacture consensus on a moments notice and why we have an outpouring of support that is actually in appearance only and not deeply held beliefs of the majority in this nation. This is proven by the election results from last November where the American people rejected the DNC candidates and elected a political newcomer to the highest office in the land. This is not by accident as the American people recognize that the DNC does not abide by our laws. Proceed to HATEtheDNC home page.

This site predominately serves as the indictment against the DNC which we will show has at its base a depraved set of beliefs that cheapens life to the point of destruction. Their rhetoric of late is seditious and advocates insurrection, violence and mayhem against anyone that dares use their first amendment rights to speak against their aberrant ideology which we have illustrated on RICOtheDNC.com.

We see nothing socially redeemable in the DNC which has acted and morphed into a criminal enterprise masquerading as a political party and working towards the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. Especially of late with their Russians ate their election scam against a duly elected government of the people. This shows as nothing else can that they do not believe in our way of life, government, the rule of law and common decency or that they will abide by the laws of this nation and the will of the people. We have provided a page where you can contact Congress and let your desire(s) be known to end this aberrant ideology once and for all. Please use it. Proceed to TAKEDOWNtheDNC home page.

These websites have been created to characterize the DNC and their aberrant ideology as they practice it, and create a layman’s indictment for their crimes committed during the last eight years. HATE the DNC shows how they have corrupted our institutions and how pervasive they have become as a cabal in our nation and society. Use these websites as a resource to take our nation back from these ideologues and petty tyrants, the nation we save will be our own…

RICOtheDNC.com 2017©