One of the most breathtaking acts against the American people is the action taken by 54 DNC Senators in September of 2014 who were co-
Clearly this one act alone shows the DNC to be a radical totalitarian ideology that gives no quarter for any idea, speech or concept that they do not control. But it is not in this one arena that we are faced with having our speech compromised it is practically every aspect of our lives that we are facing being silenced. If we do not agree with the DNC on immigration we are xenophobes, and racists, on Islam we are labeled Islamophobes, gay rights or gay marriage homophobes, object to the DNC effort to eliminate photo ID for voting, a racist. The picture that we are being presented with is that if you disagree with the DNC and left then your right to even speak is to be quashed as it is labeled as hate speech.
The first amendment guarantees our citizens the right to be heard, no matter how repugnant the message, idea, thought or concept it was created not to protect speech we agree with, but speech we disagree with as that is the speech that we must debate and decide as a nation whether it is in our best interest to uphold. The DNC has taken the mantle that any speech they do not like has no place in the public square, and have taken to the streets and college campuses to disrupt just this type of speech. They do not speak for all Americans but they have claimed the fascist mantle to define speech for all of us whether we like it or not.
All the while they label anyone that does not agree with them as fascists and worthy of being relegated to being made into second class citizens or worse…
We saw this same type of action from every other fascist regime in history whether it was the Nazis, Communist or Socialist regime where there language is the only language allowed, he who controls speech, controls society and the power of the State. What all this really means is that we are dealing with an ideology that is anti-
Yet the DNC and left in general is tone deaf and believes that they and they alone hold the utmost truth that they would impose on everyone in our nation. Which is why the resolution to repeal the first amendment is so daunting and belies an ideology that would impose its will by the harshest of methods against our citizens. In France it was the Committee of Public Safety, In Germany it was Ministry of Propaganda and the SA and SS that carried out the acts of the ruling elites,and many other names in every totalitarian regime we have ever seen.
This what the DNC is at their core that they would attempt to push their demands on this nation by outlawing our rights to their fascist demands by stifling then silencing our right to free speech. Freedom and liberty are lost in millimeters, a little here a little there the next thing you know it is years later and they have subverted our way of life into a totalitarian nightmare. All of this shows the DNC to be an ideology that is a criminal enterprise only out for their own aggrandizement and their ruthless quest for power. Back to the Assault On Free Speech page. 2017©
DNC Assault On Free Speech