In keeping with the rabid support for infanticide, we have the DNC staunch support of gay marriage and all manner of sexual deviancy between consenting adults that includes the alphabet soup of acronyms. One has to wonder how and why this is even anyone else’s business much less greasing the skids for the changes to our nation and society from a political perspective and laws of this nation. But we have seen where fringe elements in our society are given center stage and a voice by the DNC which is just using these citizens for their own ends to create hegemony and what looks like a desire to create a one party coalition on the backs of others.

We know that the gay male relationship is anything but monogamous and is fraught with peril and shortened life spans which has been documented by many medical doctors and epidemiological studies on the consequences of this behavior and is fact. Why the DNC is championing this deviant behavior since it is shortening the lives of these citizens is beyond understanding. So any behavior to these reprobates is to be exploited as long as it gives them the results they want at the voting booth, the people be damned. We have the 80 plus years of the abuse of the black community to examine if that is the case, they are poorer and morally failing as the black family has been decimated for their association with the DNC. The gay community will learn the same lessons we suspect as well.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business, and should remain so. To bring them forward and force their lifestyle on the rest of society as somehow wholesome and society enriching is a bridge too far for most rational thinking adults. Gay marriage was forced on us by the Supreme Court for only ½ of 1% of the nations population, and to what end. But what of the consequences to society as a whole in this grand experiment in depravity, nothing is mentioned in this regard whatsoever.

The only reason the State is involved in marriage in the first place is that it brings safeguards to support families that raise children, which is a 18 year proposition in most States. It brings stability to families and consequences when they do not meet their obligations. Laws have been enacted that recognizes the benefit to society and Shepard the next generation forward as they are our posterity and future.

It is not to recognize who is attracted to whom or who loves another. This is painfully obvious when you end up in a court for a divorce proceeding, it is simply a matter of irreconcilable differences, not who no longer loves whom.

This sets a dangerous precedent when certain people have special rights simply by whom they are attracted to and frankly civilizational consequences, that is none of the States business in the first place for sexual attraction and acts. But like all immoral ideologies the DNC is thrashing about to make another segment a permanent part of their divide and conquer electorate(s), we do not see this as beneficial to society as a whole and in particular to the gay community at large.

But more importantly they are being given the right to adopt children, when this lifestyle has a 15% rate of attempting suicide, three times greater than heterosexuals. Back to the DNC LGBT Sexual Deviancy page.

 DNC LGBT Sexual Deviancy Examined 2017©