One of the defining aspects of the DNC as an ideology is in their concept of justice where it is used for political ends and becomes JustUs where law and the rule of law is twisted into the ends justify the means for their own political victories. Meaning that the law is no longer absolute and means one thing to your cohorts and another to your adversaries. This means that there is a two tier system of justice that metes out harsh punishment to ones enemies and looks the other way for your cohort and friends.
This is what is meant by JustUs, and Justice against the enemies of the DNC…
We saw this play out time and again when we heard that the Obama years were scandal free, when you look the other way then nothing is ever illegal or improper, but when your political enemies are involved with the most petty of infractions, or it is politically expedient to flog and flail an enemy nothing is held back.
We saw this with the poor producer of the video that supposedly inflamed Islam and caused our facility in Benghazi to be attacked. He was publicly berated in the press to no end and sent to prison for making what in effect was a truthful video on the history of Islam and its prophet Mohamed. Then we have the prosecution of Dinesh D’ Souza who for want of a better term broke our campaign finance laws and was given a stiff sentence for what DNC operatives had also done but prosecution was declined. Then we have Hillary and her private server which was used to conduct all manner of State Department business, she was also not the only in the Obama regime to use private email accounts to evade FOIA requests which seems was the norm for these reprobates, Lisa Jackson of the EPA was also caught using private email among others.
When justice becomes subservient to political machinations and outcomes the rule of law suffers. When this happens then the citizens become disenchanted with cooperating with one another as we no longer have any concrete absolutes in society and it is who you know versus what you know. So it becomes an oligarchy of an elite that loots the federal treasury and makes deals that enrich these same elites and the citizens just watch their heritage slip away to a select few that hold the reins of power. And begins to dawn on the average citizen that there is nothing in it for them as their birthright has been looted.
Society begins to unravel with special interests competing against each other and politics becomes a blood sport of competing factions trying to take advantage of the ship of state not unlike what we are see happening with the Russian collusion scam of the DNC and the subsequent violence in the streets.
Then all the DNC electorates that vie for special favors that pitch electorates against one another, just like the Black Lives Matters crowd that are a special DNC aligned group that has so deceived themselves that they actually believe the police to be killing black people for mere sport. All the while supported in this delusion by the DNC and their acolytes.
This is how societies and nations crumble when the government is looted for their own ends and why the DNC is a criminal enterprise and ideology that is leading to the demise of self government by the citizens of this nation. Now more than ever the RICO statutes must be used to take this nation back from this ideology and criminal cabal… Back to JustUs vs. Justice page. 2017©
DNC JustUs vs. Justice