DNC JustUs vs. Justice
When we discuss the influence that the DNC exerts through our society we can no longer just consider them as a political party, but a criminal enterprise that has taken the long march through all of our institutions. These include government federal, state, local, education, entertainment industry and their propaganda arm the media. We have been saturated by their viewpoint to the point that they now act with impunity… More
DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse RICOtheDNC.com they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.
DNC Above Law Witnesses Being Murdered
No Photos, No Picture, No Cell Phones
FBI Destroys Evidence For Hillary
DNC Is A Criminal Enterprise
Democrats Long History of Abuse of Power
Wikileaks DNC Nationwide Election Fraud
Obama’s Criminal Enterprise Collapsing
DNC Refused To Cooperate On-
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