We have many examples in our history, recent history at that when the rule of law is diminished crime and insurrection follow. To give credence to this statement we have DNC enclaves that subvert the safety of the community at large for the short term prospect of political capital by pandering and allowing the rule of law to suffer. Case in point, immigration law the DNC has made it part of their platform to allow illegal alien immigration, as a matter of fact Obama even thought he could legislate this issue from the oval office with his DACA and DAPA executive orders.
The cost to the rule of law has been abysmal because a nation that cannot or will not in this case enforce their laws tells citizens and anyone else that they no longer have the will to enforce societal imperatives as defined in law.
When we do not enforce law for whatever reason then the message that is understood is that the law is not applicable to me. Given this if we are not going to arrest, prosecute and deport illegal aliens, people that have really no rights to Constitutional protection what message does that send.
Think about that for a moment…
Most people are rational even though the events of late tend to bring this statement into question, what in fact it says is that the rule of law is dead, as our nation no longer has the will to enforce our laws. If in fact this action by Obama and the DNC was a worthwhile venture they certainly could have introduced legislation to repeal our immigration laws. Instead Obama and the DNC chose to vilify the GOP Congress that they did not bend to the will of their demands and simply waved their hand(s) and acted by fiat.
We can take this lesson further, when we look at the rampant crime in the inner city ghettos which by the way were made by the DNC where drugs, violence and property crimes are rampant. Many of these cities are ran by the DNC which frankly use these people as captured electorates and in doing so thwart opportunity by keeping them in virtual bondage, if these people were successful they would leave in a heartbeat and so their political power would dissipate overnight. One aspect of this is decriminalizing certain crimes where they become misdemeanors, crimes like drugs, shoplifting and other supposedly non-
This is on the mistaken notion that they are being benevolent, when in fact it has the reverse effect, throw in illegal immigration and being a sanctuary city and an almost complete break down in the rule of law transpires, Albuquerque New Mexico is seeing this play out in real time, a DNC town in a DNC ran state.
At the same time the DNC is starting an effort to claim that the incarceration rates for minorities is the problem. When in fact it is the Chicken or the Egg conundrum. Statistics do not lie, though they can be misused and in doing so bring a wrong premise and conclusion based on facts where the police is blamed for crime and not the other way around. Combine these two efforts and an almost total breakdown in society is the result, as we see in Albuquerque. The rule of law is the glue and fabric that holds a society together and allows us to cooperate with one another knowing that we have a concrete set of principles that guides our interaction with our fellow citizens. Remove that and we see the types of lawlessness that we are witnessing, made worse when they are done for political ends that the DNC has used to promote racial and societal division for their own ends. Back to the DNC Assault On Police & Rule of Law page.
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DNC Assault On Rule Of Law & Police