Loose morals and lack of character lead the DNC to embrace less than stellar ethics and lead them on the whole to embrace corruption in their personal and public lives. This is because they are not moored to a concrete set of mores and principals or laws and create havoc in our society by embracing odious ill suited policies that cause harm to many with others always paying the cost in their quest for power… More
DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse RICOtheDNC.com they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.
Obama Fomented War On Police
DNC Approves Disregard to Rule of Law
DNC Actively Supports Black Lives Matter
DNC Love-
DNC Accepts Illegal Alien Violent Crime
DNC Chooses Most Corrupt Candidate
DNC Above the Law
DNC Party of Criminals & Felons
RICOtheDNC.com 2017©
DNC Assault On Police And Rule Of Law