Ever the reprobates with an ideology that puts government ahead of all other things we discuss Loretta Lynch who was considering using the RICO statutes to prosecute climate change deniers. Clearly this is beyond the pale since AGW is not a theory, or principle, it is only a lowly hypothesis, unproven and lacking data that has not been corrupted by dishonest academics. And to think the government of the USA was going to use the full weight and power to crush anyone that did not accept the belief and worship at the altar of global warming, oops climate change.
Global warming is nothing but a scam that is meant to transfer dollars to our government for dubious outcomes, it will limit our industry and economy for what have been characterized as minimal returns, all because it is trendy to do so.
We have never heard a global warming advocate discuss or mention the Carboniferous Period which is in the fossil record. It was during this epoch that the coal deposits were laid down and created due to the abundant plant matter on the planet. Life exploded with plant and animal life being the most prolific than at any other time in the fossil record, more life evolved and went extinct during this era than is alive on the planet today it was the most prolific of any epoch. The catch of course is that it was also the hottest and had the highest amount of CO2 in the planets history, yet life flourished.
So how can a mere degree or two spell the disaster that the AGW crowd drones on about, clearly we have a disconnect in the science which has been the subject of many false scientific papers and falsified data. It appears that AGW is more of a cult following than fact. We have our own beliefs on what lay behind the AGW crowd because if heat kills we seem to see life flourish in the hotter climates, with many of our retirees flocking to Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California. The real danger is cold, it kills and you cannot grow crops and again the geologic record has many more periods of glaciation than period of high temperatures and CO2. So what Is really behind this movement that is causing so much consternation on the left and the DNC?
We suspect it is a means to stifle our economy and progress, as the progressives are anything but and all they can come up with and promote is windmills which only have a theoretical maximum extraction of the available wind energy is only around 63%. In practice depending on wind velocities in the lower 40% with steady state averaged output in the mid 35% range. You cannot build a manufacturing society on the wind source that that has such low extraction potential. Then we have the destruction to raptor populations that is sad and deplorable which the advocates of AGW do not want to talk about as well.
Or the National Wildlife Service issuing permits to allow these wind farms to kill eagles and other raptors since they are attracted to these structures which allows at least in their minds a good perch to survey for prey. This is as far as the DNC and progressive left can think since they hate oil and other technologies that allow dependable and reliant sources of energy. They appear to hate the idea that citizens wish to live on ranches and wide open spaces and wish to herd us into the cesspits of the major cities and one way to do that is limit our access to energy. The one fact that escapes the DNC ideology of the environmental movement is that petroleum is a natural product it is produced within the earth and has been with us since the dawn of this planet. Isn’t time that the DNC get with the times and technology. Back to DNC Global Warming & Climate Change page.
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DNC Global Warming & Climate Change Examined