For the last eight years a war has been waged on the middle class who’s incomes and opportunities have been diminished, all the while the DNC and Obama droned on about income inequality, the fact remains that only top 10% made any headway in the economy during this time. This is not be accident, because almost everything you heard out of the DNC and their retched ideology is misinformation or outright disinformation as they plunder the federal treasury and nation at large.
For most of the Obama years the nation did not have a budget it was funded by reconciliation which means that the federal agencies were funded on a cost plus basis from the previous year. Which meant that the previous budget was not reconciled and much of the money disappeared into what we can only surmise a gianormous slush fund. Which led to record debt, which amounted to approximately 10 trillion dollars. It took every president since Washington to amass 10 trillion in debt Obama did that in 8 years leaving the nation with 20 trillion in debt. There is a cost to everything and when such vast amounts of money are taken from the economy it comes with a cost. What in effect happened was that money was taken from citizens and churned through Washington and redirected to where it would do Obama the DNC and Congress the most good.
Let that soak in for a moment…
Notice that we did not say that it would do the nation the most good, because what in effect this does is force people to lose confidence in the economy and they put what little they have into their pocket or under their mattress and wait.
Business is no different they too parked trillions on balance sheets and waited for better days. The only game in town that could return any decent profits was the stock market, it also comes with significant risk which the average person is loathe to take. Many also have a mistaken belief that when the stock market is soaring the economy is doing well, that is a mistake of epic proportions.
The economy is the GDP and is the sum of all business conducted in the nation and averaged only a tad under 1.4% for each and every year of Obama’s tenure which is abysmal performance. Frankly it would be hard to drag the economy to such under performing levels by accident so we can see that the policies of tax, spend and borrow to buy votes has a ghastly affect on the economy.
All of Obama policies were played up by the propaganda arm of the DNC the MSM as economic miracles, and how Obama saved the nation from the Great Recession, frankly it was only propaganda because the cold hard facts tell a different story of exploitation and leveling of the American middle class.
We suspect that Obama and the DNC were attempting to eliminate the middle class altogether and create only two classes; the poor and the rich so that the DNC and supporters could create one party hegemony with the poor on the federal dole. They even supported illegal aliens to invade our nation and in doing so squeeze the middle class further, by subsidizing and balkanizing the nation setting citizen against citizen and foreigners. Now that we have a new government business appears to approve of the moves so far out of Washington and money is starting to flow from the balance sheets of corporate America and back into the economy. One thing comes through all of this is that DNC and their rotten ideology continually lied to the American people for 8 long years and deserve to be prosecuted for intentional harm to this nation. Back to War On Middle Class page. 2017©
DNC War On Middle Class