What are we to make of a former president interjecting himself into the politics of Trump’s administration, hasn’t anyone told Obama that he is no longer president and that the DNC lost the last election. As a matter of fact since Obama was elected the Democrats have lost over 1000 plus legislative seats and they are out of power in most of the nation and are now only a regional power on the east and left coast. But that isn’t stopping the DNC who is acting as if they get to veto any action that is proposed or contemplated by the duly elected government that inhabits the White House these days.
What we are seeing is nothing short of sedition and outright insurrection when we have a former president that was so lazy that he acted like he was Emperor and instigated so many changes to the nation by fiat with his laughable “pen and phone.” Then when Hillary lost the election he saw his promises and ill advised actions to reshape our nation into Utopia vanish, when in reality they were built on sand wash away what little legacy he tried to create. Legislation was beneath him, after all “he was the one they had all been waiting for” at least as Obama tells it so acting dictatorially is right up his alley.
So he has plunked himself down a few blocks from the White House and moved his consigliere Valerie Jarrett in to run things, what’s new she was running the White House while Obama spent his time on fairway after after fairway playing golf while the world burned.
We have never experienced a president interjecting himself into the next administrations affairs lambasting our new president and demanding that his will be done, this interference when viewed by the actions in the streets and media looks as if at least in the eyes of the DNC that they get to call the shots on how this nations government and policies are ran. We have a long history of peaceful transfer of power from one president to another and it is one of the hallmarks of this nations shining accomplishment as we take fealty to our Constitution and founding principals and that the office of president is bigger than any one man, at least it use to be.
That is now all changed with actions by what have been dubbed the Deep State which are bureaucrats buried deep within Washington’s federal agencies which are leaking information to the press or, taking actions on their own by foiling attempts to effect changes that the new administration demands. This means that we are no longer a nation of laws with fealty to the Constitution but a cult of personality that takes fealty to Obama. This is the road to tyranny, for a political party to take this position that this is the summer of resistance we then have to ask some serious questions about what actually went on during the Obama years. Because it looks as if this is a concerted effort that is at least two fold; drive Trump from office by any means necessary, and keep the hounds of the DOJ at bay so that they are not able to investigate the many crimes committed by Obama and company.
If it is the latter, which we suspect that it is then we are farther down the road to tyranny than we think and is why the DNC, Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch and host of others must be brought to justice by the use of the RICO Statutes if we are reestablish the rule of law from the rule of man that these reprobates have attempted to establish. Back to the Obama & His Shadow Government page.
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Discussion Of Obama And His Shadow Government