Obama has chosen to stay in Washington and direct a Shadow Government to interfere in the affairs of State and the Trump administration. No other president in the history of the Republic has chosen to remain in Washington to direct a cadre of 30,000 volunteers in 250 offices nationwide through his OFA organization. This is unprecedented and suggests sedition bordering on insurrection… More
DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse RICOtheDNC.com they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.
DNC DeFacto Shadow Leader Obama
Obama’s Shadow Entity & Cadre OFA
Obama’s DNC
Democrats Lack Common Sense
Obama’s Two Front War On Trump
Obama Crazy War On Trump
Lou Dobbs Obama’s Shadow Government
Democrats Resistance Summer
RICOtheDNC.com 2017©
Obama And His Shadow Government