The DNC has claimed to be for the downtrodden and minorities as they pander to one electorate after another, all the while keeping them separate, but you can’t say equal. This has been a long history with the DNC and Obama in particular who has been racially divisive we know that he has used the DOJ to push racial agendas on our nation in particular police departments, not to mention the constant attacks on voter identification as somehow excluding blacks from the voting booth.

Where the disconnect comes in is that you need a photo ID to collect welfare, unemployment and a host of other benefits from the state and federal government.

One of the issues that we constantly see is that the individual is never championed which is the cornerstone of our form of government, the usual story line goes that you didn’t build that and that the powers that be have taken advantage of you your entire life. Then the line that America is a racist nation and that we have pervasive white privilege which keeps minorities repressed and in the ghetto. When in fact it was FDR that created them along with the DNC.

What are we to make of this constant rhetoric of racial division, that is meant to drive our citizens apart and keeps the nation from moving forward in brotherly love, we hear this exclusively from the DNC and their acolytes clearly this is racial politics at their worst. The other lie we are constantly bombarded with is that the GOP is trying to disenfranchise blacks when in fact it is to discourage and end voter fraud. Or that they are trying to put them in poverty by not approving the latest spending plan by the DNC and their elected officials.

It must be nice to never have to take responsibility for their politics of division, or come clean on why their promises never live up to the hype. Welfare spending has gone through the roof and citizens are no better for it. As a matter of fact much it has gone to illegal aliens and so-called refugees from the Mideast to people that hate us and our way of life.

All of this has been to balkanize this nation and swell the ranks of future DNC voters that have been bought and paid for by the American peoples taxes that have been allocated by Congress. In effect we the citizens have been subsidizing our own destruction as a people and nation and all the while vilified at the same time since we do not have the requisite tolerance, appreciation and fortitude for this nation destroying action.

One thing is abundantly clear that the DNC has not strayed far from its roots of the KKK, which was the enforcement arm of the Democrats after the civil war. It was the party of Lincoln the GOP that led the reconstruction efforts in the South and led the freedmen out of bondage and slavery. All the while the DNC terrorized the freedmen with the KKK that burned crosses and lynched them to keep them from realizing their rights as citizens of this nation. Then they passed the Black Codes and later Jim Crow laws and poll taxes to keep them powerless and in fear. With rampant segregation, it is time this comes to an end. We are now in a new era and the DNC has once again shown themselves to be an ideology that oppress and represses anyone that does not agree with them, the nation grows weary of such abuse of our founding principles. Back to the DNC Politics Of Racial Division page. 2017©

  DNC Politics Of Racial Division