We have the DNC in their steadfast support of infanticide as a ‘women’s right to choose’ and that the fetus is just a mass of cells and tissue if she wants an abortion, if she wants to have her child it is transmuted into a living growing human being. The paradox of this question is staggering as the child is fluid depending on the outcome that the individual wants. If the women does not want to face the consequences for her behavior it is not a living being.

Take a moment and consider that last statement…

This presents a moral paradox that we have no absolute on whether this is a living being or a mass of cells and tissue when examined not by societies standards but that of the ideology that the DNC takes as a catechism. This is an absolute moral dilemma because life is not absolute under this set of circumstance. Its like I want my cake and eat it too.

This is now the law of the land as forced on this nation by the Burger court in 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided, the nation after 44 years is still contentious with several bills in Congress to overturn this decision of the Supreme Court.

What are we to make of this absolute travesty of justice when the outcome determines whether we have viable life and an absolute that this is a living growing human being within this mothers womb. This of course is a consequence of the DNC and their maddening ideology where sexual freedom was to be encouraged with abandon. So to keep women from being tied to a child that takes at least 18 years to raise in most States they advocated for unbridled abortion to alleviate this women from the consequence of her acts and poor choices.

Clearly we have a disconnect from reality, that a child’s life is dependent on the outcome that the women wants only after the fact and can so be aborted as a form of birth control. Ghoulish in the extreme and leaves a gray area in the law, since human life is no longer an absolute but is now conditional...

We can judge a nation and society on how they treat the very young and old as the weakest and most frail among us, when we abandon a child in the womb and declare their life worthless because it would become a burden to the women who chose to act with abandon in the first place. This does not speak highly of our moral character now does it. After all her right to choose was before she found out she was pregnant, not after so it cheapens life and leaves us all the poorer for it.

The DNC has now crossed the Rubicon since their Chair Tom Perez has declared that any candidate that runs under their banner must support infanticide as a catechism and stalwart position from this ideology. So we are left to ponder how it is that life has been cheapened to the point of whether it is simply a ‘choice’ based on the desire of the women after the fact and not at the time that she chose to have sex. Many wonder why our society is taking such horrendous detours when we have no moral absolutes anymore it is enough to make us wonder where all this leads…

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 DNC Obsession with Abortion and Infanticide

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