The DNC has worked hard to create a dependant class of citizen who are kept in an enclave in the nations largest cities where they practice tribalism to keep this electorate cohesive by an identity that is pandered to at every opportunity. At the same time the DNC is actively balkanizing the nation in wider groups that are pitted against others, mostly the majority white population and targeted as racists at every opportunity.
Class warfare is one of the tools that the DNC uses against the poor and least successful among us to divide the nation into have and have not’s. This is done to curry favor and foment division and claim that the system is stacked against them because they are not wealthy and successful. The truth however is that they are kept in this condition by the predominantly DNC city governments that use these captured electorates for electoral success every two years. If these people were to become successful what would they need the DNC for, nothing that’s what. They would flee their communities in the ghettos that are riddled with crime, drug use and violence and a life on the behest of the government entitlements in which the DNC controls.
At the same time the DNC is working to replace these captured electorates with their effort to balkanize the nation with illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico, and Central and South America. This is not by chance that the Obama regime opened the flood gates of illegal immigration, it was purposeful and deliberate and not to improve the lives of their current electorates but to displace them. This has been a calculated act since the unintended consequence of multi-
As callous and cynical this perspective is, it is the only plausible one when we look at the action of the DNC that puts their powerful elite above the needs and interests of the citizens of this nation. Keeping these citizens in squalor and limited economic opportunity is servitude to the DNC with an entitlement (welfare) for votes scheme.
Clearly they are not talking about the benefits of an education and a can do spirit, no it is based on envy and greed that covets the property of others, when they makes statements like, you didn’t build that, and that rampant racism is holding the black community down. But what they also say that they cannot succeed without the DNC as their champion of the poor and downtrodden as they shovel ever more of the federal treasury to these communities with nothing ever changing.
In effect the federal benefit level is kept at a point that keeps the animosity at a slow roil just enough to silence dissent, but not enough to bring prosperity. This is the fallacy of the something for nothing that the DNC promises and has kept the nations poor in an endless cycle of poverty. The longest war this nation has fought is the war on poverty ever since 1965 and we have shoveled 22 trillion into welfare and have in effect kept the poor, poor only comfortable. Clearly the identity politics, multiculturalism and class warfare is the tools that are used to prop up this ideology based on envy which is keeping a vast swath of the nation in bondage and servitude to the DNC that uses and abuses the very people they claim to want to help. It is insidious and must come to an end if these people are to ever reclaim their stolen heritage and dignity. Back to DNC Class Warfare & Identity Politics page. 2017©
DNC Class Warfare & Identity Politics Examined