The assault on religious freedom is ongoing and has taken an ugly turn where the DNC is pitting one group of their electorates against others in this nation and working towards getting these groups special rights. The one we find most worrisome is the war on Christianity which has been ongoing for a number of years. This started in earnest as the gay agenda picked up steam and started going after bakers, florists, photographers that serve the wedding industry.
This was not by accident that these small businesses were singled out since many are devout Christians and have an obligation not to serve gay marriage couples since they have a conscience obligation not to approve of behavior their religion says is immoral.
That does not phase these DNC reprobates in the least as it serves two purposes to go after these individuals since the question becomes who’s rights are supreme. The courts and State commissions are siding with the gay rights advocates, with the Supreme Court set to weigh in on this issue in the near future. What we suspect why the DNC has been so vocal in this issue is that they have the opportunity to sever our nexus with divine providence for our first amendment and our natural God given rights.
These rights are unalienable meaning they immutable and cannot be severed, not even by the individual that holds them, they are timeless and been granted to us by our creator. If the gay movement can be supported in their quest would place religious freedom subservient to sexual proclivity and so sever this nexus with providence. The goal is to make our rights inalienable so that they can be severed from the individual, which mean that the individual can willingly give up their natural God given rights. Which would cause an avalanche and cascade from that moment on and our rights as we know them would become a thing of the past.
This may be difficult to understand because we have not had any gay rights activists approach a Muslim baker and request that they make them a gay wedding cake, or for that matter a Muslim florist or photographer either.
We can all guess at the outcome of such requests.
We do not think this is an oversight either as the goal has been to target Christians and as we discussed above our rights are granted by our creator, Muslims do not have such beliefs that their rights are natural given by providence, nor our rights conjoined with Muslim orthodoxy. That is not the case for Christianity as it integral to our founding, let that sink in for a minute…
This is how insidious the ideology of the DNC actually is that they have conspired with, or at the very least support groups that are hostile to Christianity and our founding principles, this is not by accident. It is a feature not a bug and why they advocate that Christians get to the back of bus on so many issues, they must accept, abortion, gay marriage, and host of other issues that they have a moral objection to reject. Back to the DNC Assault On Religious Freedom page.
DNC Assault On Religious Freedom 2017©