The DNC has continued to advocate for topics that diminish the rules that society places on citizens, in many ways this supports a citizens freedom and liberty but as we see in most instances where the DNC has been vocal it is fraught with unintended consequences. Take for instance infanticide we have seen that this was an outgrowth of their stance that sex should be free and unbridled and detached from moral strictures that had guided this nation since its founding. This led to many unwanted pregnancies and of course someone should not be burdened with the consequence of having a good time now should they since it is a new day and age after all.
We have the same principal in play over marijuana and drug use. Being an retched ideology that is forever attempting to aggrandize themselves and expand government and their own power they have advocated the legalization of drugs not on Constitutional grounds which we could accept and embrace but on entirely selfish grounds that it is not societies duty to keep one from having a good time.
Much like the position they took on sex…
Never do they make the Constitutional argument that the right of the individual to destroy themselves with the caveat that as long no other citizens is harmed that this is their right to do so. We know that prohibition has failed it failed in the 1920’s and 1930’s and unleashed a crime wave on the nation that unfortunately is still with us today in the form of organized crime, only now it is with ruthless drug cartels in addition to the Mafia. Clearly the DNC and their ideology that sets about creating electorates on the fly by dividing our nation into smaller and smaller balkanized units that it can pander to for electoral success each election with drug users and abusers being just another group for them to exploit.
We have the Oregon DNC that is attempting to decriminalize hard drugs after they legalized marijuana use so we see this as just another effort to expand their retched hold on the people of Oregon.
Actions have consequences and what we always see when the DNC gets involved into an issue is that our society will be the poorer for it, they started the hue and cry many years ago that the nations mentally ill were being abused in state institutions for the mentally ill. This led to most states shutting down their facilities and putting these ill people on the streets, which has led to an explosion of homeless people on our streets, putting their safety and society in jeaopardy.
Clearly the way they tackle problems is to make victims out of the laws that have been enacted to make an orderly, just and civil society. Can we honestly say we have that today with the rank discourse we see in the public square. We do not see that their efforts have been beneficial to our nation and society in general. We believe this is the case since their ideology is based on envy, sloth and greed and so it is much easier to tear it down that build it up. It is now at the point that it is their way or the highway and violence has been unleashed onto our streets and baseball diamonds in our nation’s capital. Clearly the DNC have not been good stewards of our heritage, freedom or liberty and has taken the easy path to pander and cater to anyone that can vote to keep them in power and so they advocate for every nation and society destroying belief and why they must be obliterated with the RICO statutes. Back to the DNC Effort to Legalize Marijuana & Drug Use page.
DNC Effort To Legalize Marijuana & Drug Use 2017©