Decriminalizing drugs is just another attribute of the ideology of the progressive left, DNC and all that cleave to their these beliefs. It just another way in which to allow an immoral basis because, while they advocate for these behaviors they rend power and control from the individual to the State. Nowhere do they understand the Constitutional problem with prohibition, and it in this question that they fail… More

DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.

DNC Platform Legalize Marijuana

DNC Effort To Legalize Marijuana & Drug Use

DNC War On Personal Responsibility

DNC Consequences Of Liberal Attitudes

The Power & Tyranny  Of The State

Democrats In Oregon To Decriminalize Drugs

DNC Lie Over Drugs & Mass Incarceration

DNC & Democrats Favor Decriminalizing Drugs

DNC Platform Legalize Marijuana DNC Favors Legalizing Drugs Oregon Democrats to Decriminalize Drugs
DNC Lies Over Drugs and Incarceration DNC Consequences Of Liberal Attitudes

2nd Longest War The Failed War On Drugs

Second Longest War The Failed War on Drugs Power & Tyranny of the State 2017©

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