We are now facing a challenge to our nation character as the DNC takes their ideology to a new level based on past messaging about the equality of all. It now at the point that they have encouraged and championed illegal aliens to break our laws and illegally enter our nation. This has been done for one reason only to create a one party fascist state and political hegemony. While it is true that past presidents have looked the other way on illegal immigration for a multitude of reasons all of them bad when they are looked at in the light of day.

However; what Obama did was to fundamentally break our immigration laws and reward all that illegally came to our nation with his laughable “pen and phone” what he claimed was executive privilege of the DACA and DAPA legislation by executive fiat. It mattered little to him that Article 1 Sec. 8 gives Congress the sole discretion to decide naturalization. We can only speculate on why Obama took this illegal route that the Supreme Court has struck down. We suspect that one of the consequences of another DNC initiative abortion has been destroying a DNC bastion electorate and that this is means to shore up and replace this electorate over the long term by changing the entire demographics of this nation.

While at the same time they have shown utter contempt for their electorates calling Latinos “taco bowls” that they create on the fly to leverage their election outcomes every two years and neglect in the intervening time between elections.    

Can the black community say honestly that they are better off by hitching their wagons to the DNC where their communities are ravaged with crime, violence and rampant abortion. Where the lucky children that are born into this quagmire are facing a life where 70% of households are single parent families, mostly mothers with no father in sight. We said lucky ones because the black community in this nation is being aborted out of existence with births far below the replacement rate in our society. Making them go extinct in the near and far term, in the mean time they can expect to be treated with utter contempt by the DNC who say much, but do little.

This is because a successful thriving black community would leave their inner city hell holes if they could. So they will become extinct if the birth rate does not increase as the DNC holds abortion as one of their premier virtues of their catechism and ideology. If you do the research you would find that FDR razed the existing mixed race comminutes in the nations largest cities and forbade all but blacks from living in new housing to create the captured electorates we see today in Detroit, New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, Flint and and host of other cities. To fill the gap between elections these electorates are set on slow roil by community organizers that promise much, deliver little. This is simply a modern day plantation kept this way by empty promises from an ideology of exploitation. Back to the DNC Minority Scams Divide & Conquer page.

 DNC Minority Scams Divide & Conquer

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