First the DNC hated Comey for investigating Hillary Clinton, it made no difference that she broke the law, she was a Democrat so she had a get out of jail card. Then when Comey usurped the power of the DOJ he was the darling of the DNC, then when he announced 11 days before the election she was be investigated once again, well you get the idea. We have since learned that he has been part of the Deep State… More

DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.

DNC Debbie Covers For Awan Spy Ring

DNC Debbie’s IT Guy Arrested Fleeing USA

DNC Debbie Covers For Awan Spy Ring DNC Debbies IT Staffer Arrested Fleeing USA

DNC Belief in Comey And The Deep State

DNC Advocates Violence Against Trump

DNC Chair Trumps Tweet Obstruction Of Justice

DNC Using Russian Disinformation

Comey Deep State Operative & Caterer

DNC Opens War Room Against Trump

Comey Deep State Operative and Caterer DNC Chair Trumps Tweets Obsturction of Justice DNC War Room Against Trump DNC Advocates Violence Against Trump DNC Using Russian Disinformation

DNC & Deep State Target Trump

DNC & Deep State Target Trump

DNC Love Hate Relationship With Comey

DNC Love Hate for Comey

DNC Loves Comey Now That He’s Fired

DNC Loves Comey Now That He's Fired

DNC Obama Officials Unmasking Of Citizens

DNC Obama Criminal Unmasking of Citizens

Obama Used Intelligence Agenct for Politics Obama's Unmasking A Criminal Act 2017©

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