Single payer, universal healthcare and socialized medicine are all the same thing, government in charge of medicine. The outcome that are promised for these programs far exceed the reality as proven by the VA scandal of patients languishing as a government run healthcare system served their own needs, and not the patients. Europe is now facing the reality that costs are exceeding the citizens substandard care … More
DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.
DNC Long History Supporting Single Payer
DNC Belief in Universal Healthcare, Single Payer
Single Payer Is Socialized Medicine
The Reality Of DNC Panacea The VA
Health Care Rationing In Europe, Costs
Arguments Against DNC Single Payer
The Face Of DNC Single Payer Charlie Gard
DNC Portrays Single Payer As Panacea
DNC Not SO Fast Not In 2016 Platform 2017©