Unbridled welfare as supported by the DNC has wasted 22 trillion dollars, poverty has remained the same since its inception, what has changed is that it destroyed the black community. Proving you get more of what you subsidize. Socialism is now being touted as the answer to our economic malaise, after eight years of socialist policies which grew government at the expense of economic growth was a given… More
DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse RICOtheDNC.com they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.
DNC Chair Dumbfounded-
DNC Belief in Socialism And Welfare
DNC Welfare Destroyed Detroit
Majority Of Academics Support Socialism
Socialism Destroys Economies, Societies
Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialist
DNC Welfare Destroyed Black Families
DNC Wants Socialism To Grow Government
DNC War On Poverty Dismal Failure
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