The DNC has kicked off their Summer of Resistance to Trump personally and along with it been inciting violence by surrogates and proxies that act in their name but on the behest of the DNC. Many top leaders that include Pelosi, Schumer, Kaine, Obama and host of others including the usual celebrity crowd have been adding their shrill voices to incite violence and insurrection in the streets and baseball diamonds… More

DISCLAIMER: Hyperlinked Sites do not endorse they are presented in their own words to show the DNC for who and what they are, the words they use are their own, draw you own conclusions.

The Left Has Gone Insane  

Antifa-Fascists Justifies Violence

Left Has Gone Insane Antifa Fascists Violence

Conway Calls on DNC Quell the Violence

Conway Quell DNC Violence

Nevada Democrats Warn DNC

Nevada DEMS Warn DNC

Resist Group Tearing Nation Apart  

Antifa-Website Justifies Violence

DNC Embrace of Violence Backfires

Why is the Media Not Reporting on Antifa

Resist Group Tearing Nation Apart Roots of DNC Violence DNC Embrace of Violence Backfires Media Reluctance on Antifa

 Violent Surrogates & Proxies of the DNC 2017©

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