The 2nd Amendment is our God given natural right to bear arms to protect ourselves from those that would do us harm, it is the ultimate check against tyranny and a government that serves their own interests instead of the peoples. The DNC has acted with impunity against us calling for the people to be disarmed while they foment insurrection and incite their surrogates to violence, not for our safety but theirs… More
DNC Nobody Should Have Guns
New York Democrats On the March, Again
DNC 1984 Thought Crimes Gun Confiscation
DNC War Against 2nd Amendment
Hitler Agrees With The DNC On Guns 2017©
DNC Hatred For The 2nd Amendment
DNC We Can Control Who Gets Weapons
Why We Have The 2nd Amendment
Gun Ownership Is A Disease DNC 2016
Bill Whittle DNC War on Guns Just The Facts